[Ground-station] Please vote - Ambasat sensor

Ron Economos w6rz at comcast.net
Mon Sep 30 15:12:03 PDT 2019

What magnitude of Doppler shift would be expected at 10.4 GHz? Total 
shift, and more importantly, rate of shift.

I've done some preliminary testing with a DVB-S2 receiver, and it can 
handle 30 kHz/second no problem.

Ron W6RZ

On 9/29/19 09:32, Leffke, Zachary via Ground-Station wrote:
> Carrier/Beacon at 10G? atmega328 to handle CW IDing every so often?  Obviously less operational ground stations, but might encourage the construction of 10G ground stations (Ku PLL LNB, bias-t, FCDPP or RTLSDR), which fuels the five/dime drive.  Baby steps toward 10G amateur satellite spectrum use?  Doppler at 10G from LEO should be fun.  Antenna would be compact, maybe a patch on one side of a 4-layer board and components on the other....room for the solar cells?
> This looks like the big brother of the Kicksats.....hardest part looks like power from the solar cells....2.2V @ 80mA according to their website.  They do specifically say in their FAQs that you can't add another radio.....but sounds like they could be convinced.
> Good stuff.  I'd be interested in ANY beacon on ANY band, Doppler is fun.
> -Zach, KJ4QLP

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