[Ground-station] LDPC decode benchmarking - two to test

Michelle Thompson mountain.michelle at gmail.com
Mon May 20 12:28:33 PDT 2019

In between the GNU Radio Hackfest and Maker Faire, those of us there from
P4G talked a lot more about FPGAs.

We've previously discussed benchmarking Ahmet's LDPC codebase in order to
see if we can proceed with it on a general purpose processor.

As you all know, it's here:


There's another open source LDPC decoder announced from SDR Makerspace


Benchmarking results would go a long way towards simplifying the
architecture on the ground.

During the previous GPP-vs.-FPGA discussion, we agreed that they payload
will definitely need an FPGA. The recent polyphase filter bank work from
Theseus Cores is on deck for testing and configuration for our channelizing

More soon - a test plan and any existing benchmark results would be
helpful. If you're online and have a few minutes, see what you can find
that already exists and let's start keeping track in a table.

-Michelle W5NYV
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