[Ground-station] Call for Comment and Critique - KA9Q-SDR readme

Phil Karn karn at ka9q.net
Sun Apr 22 19:13:56 PDT 2018

On 4/22/18 06:10, Douglas Quagliana wrote:
> The original text says that this ran from a command line on Linux.  I
> did a git clone,  ran make but got numerous errors compiling
> (bsd/strings.h) and errors linking (-lbsd in particular)
> I'd love to try it and make a GUI (if I can). 
> Which Linux distribution did you use?
> Which version of gcc? 

I eventually managed to push my stuff up to phase4ground/ka9q-sdr, but
this was after I'd created ka9q/ka9q-radio and revised it a few times.
So ignore phase4ground/ka9q-sdr for now and use ka9q/ka9q-radio until I
can figure out how to migrate or rename it.

My primary target is Raspbian on the Raspberry Pi, which is essentially
identical to Debian Linux which I run on my x86 systems. (Ubuntu is also
essentially Debian inside.) So you need to run a few "apt install"
commands and then do a make.

I'm continuing to revise the comments and documentation in
ka9q/ka9q-radio. I just revised the file "dependencies" that describes
what you need to install and build it, including the "apt install"
commands for Debian Linux, Rasbian or Ubuntu.

Good luck! Let me know how it goes.


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