[Ground-station] Fwd: Next IEEE P1954 WG meeting - May 23, 3pm (Rome time)

Michelle Thompson mountain.michelle at gmail.com
Wed May 8 08:45:31 PDT 2024

Next meeting of the drone standards working group at IEEE.

Activity about this will be on our #Neptune Slack channel.

-Michelle Thompson

---------- Forwarded message ---------
From: Fabrizio Granelli <fabrizio.granelli at unitn.it>
Date: Wed, May 8, 2024, 02:54
Subject: Next IEEE P1954 WG meeting - May 23, 3pm (Rome time)
To: <STDS-P1954 at listserv.ieee.org>

Dear colleagues,

the next meeting of the IEEE P1954 WG will be held online on May 23, 2024
at 3pm Rome time.

The goal of the meeting will be to continue our discussion on requirements
and use cases.
To this goal, I would like to ask Kamesh to share the current version of
the scenarios and requirements document with the mailing list.

Best regards,



Fabrizio Granelli, Ph.D., Full Professor

University of Trento, Italy | UNM, NM, USA | CNIT


Phone +39 0461 282062 Web www.granelli-lab.org

Email fabrizio.granelli at unitn.it

Via Sommarive 9, 38123 Trento, ITALY

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