[Ground-station] MATLAB update

Michelle Thompson mountain.michelle at gmail.com
Wed Jan 19 08:39:31 PST 2022

Greetings all,

Good news. We’ve been admitted into the “startup” program at MATLAB, and
there’s some documents that I’m going to send to the ORI board to make
absolutely sure it’s a good deal and we can hold up our end of the bargain.

At first read through, it is - it lets us go from MATLAB to HDL to
hardware. This gives us a design path that is very common in industry and
academia, and is one we are well-positioned and well-motivated to duplicate
using open source components.

Having first-hand experience with industry-standard stuff is highly
valuable when giving feedback on open source toolchains and interfaces.
Namely, Octave to C/HLS to VHDL. If you have experience or motivation here,
then get in touch and let's get you started.

I’d like to pilot the MATLAB methodology on whatever folks are interested
in doing. I’m thinking about Polar codes, with perhaps Ahmet Inan or his
work being the focus, but that is not exclusive or proscriptive. I’m here
to support the community getting access to the best tools I can, and we
should address any technical question we think we are up to. Maybe some of
the polyphase or multirate work from fred harris? There are a lot of
options, but we do need people to own a chunk and be accountable for
publishing and progress.

Thank you to the multiple people that have helped with this. Some of you
have written to me privately or do not want to be publicly recognized, so I
will of course take some care here. In the case we stick the landing and
publish some great work with modern open implementations of FECs, then
there is substantial credit owed to members of our community.

More soon!

-Michelle W5NYV
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