[Ground-station] MATLAB+SimuLink Update

Michelle Thompson mountain.michelle at gmail.com
Thu Feb 3 11:27:04 PST 2022

OK, if all goes well (installation, training, support issues anticipated)
we are going to have HDL Coder and other advanced features available in
MATLAB+SimuLink on CHONC very soon.

ORI was accepted into the Mathworks “start-up” program and the invoice was
paid today.

This means when you log in to Remote Labs West, you will have MATLAB,
Simulink, and a lot of toolboxes. Some of which will help with writing HDL,
GPU, and general purpose processor code. And things like CODEC2

The short term goal is to publish open source designs that are enabled by
industry standard tools.

The long term goal is to figure out what we need to do in order to have
open source tools successfully compete with closed-source tools.

Thank you to everyone that helped with this effort. We have a year, and we
need to make the most of it. I will be asking around for help. I will be
making outreach efforts to get this off the ground and fully used. If you
are interested in working on this, then get in touch with me or any Remote
Labs staff member.

-Michelle W5NYV
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