[Ground-station] Things Going on This Week

Michelle Thompson mountain.michelle at gmail.com
Mon Jul 12 09:33:26 PDT 2021

Greetings all!

Plenty going on. If you haven't visited Slack in a while or reviewed the
Trello boards then please do.

Join Phase 4 Ground Trello board:

Join Phase 4 Space Trello board:

If you need a Slack invite, please write me directly and I'll help you out.


Remote Lab West:

Here's a selection of what is going on in FPGA work.

We had a review of Anshul's GSE work this past Saturday. Feedback was
passed along, and more reviews of that work along with the BBFrame code is
coming up.

Testing of Suoto's codebase in the lab is happening this week, with special
emphasis on getting examples working from the Analog Devices evaluation
board up and running.

Battery curves are accumulating and Lab Tech One is moving forward with
some Jupyter Notebooks to provide some basic live analysis for curve
matching. Work will be presented at Ham Expo in August.

Paul KB5MU tested two (hardware) modified MD380s loaded with OpenRTX 0.3.1
and OpenRTX 0.3.2 firmware. Results sent to OpenRTX and M17 and firmware
changes are expected soon. We'll make a short video report about recent
developments that includes a summary of the project. M17 doesn't work yet
on these handhelds, but that's planned. M17 protocol, with some physical
layer modifications, will be our native uplink protocol for the



The meeting in Huntsville, AL with the Space and Science Center went
extremely well. The goal is to renovate the large inoperative dish for
citizen science and amateur radio use. Thank you to Steve Conlklin for
persistent and dedicated work over the past 2 years make a successful
meeting with Center leadership possible. We may be able to have the first
work party for this in late August.

Meeting today with QSO Today booth support to get trained on setting up our
virtual exhibit in mid-August at Ham Expo. I'll send out a lot more
information about the booth very soon. The Expo booth will be a place to
gather and talk about things and show off the many different aspects of
what we do. We are pushing hard to have some milestones done by then, so if
you can help out, then step right up.

FPGA stand-up meeting Tuesday 10:00 US Pacific.

Microwave Beacon Project (AmbaSat Inspired Sensors++) meeting Wednesday
11:00 US Pacific.

Taxes! We'll need help this next time around, so we're looking for an
accountant. I've written Foundation Group, who provided support for our
incorporation and 501(c)(3) application, and a local non-profit accountant.
If you have recommendations, please pass them along to me or the board.

There will be an in-person board meeting at DEFCON in August 2021. All
project participants are welcome to attend. If you have a subject you want
brought up, please send it to me or any board member. Meeting coordination
will be over Slack. Board meetings happen over email or virtually quite
often, but in-person meetings are something we've been looking forward to
for a while.


Policy work:

non-profit specialists have been contracted to develop an internal policy
for working with for-profits. Draft expected soon. We have a long-term
strategy for the impact of essentially single-source funding on ORI.


Regulatory Work:

Presentation and Paper for Open Source Debris Mitigation has been
completed. Will announce the meeting schedule with the FCC as soon as I get
confirmation. We will present this work at Ham Expo in August.

No news yet on the Opinion Request for ITAR/EAR work. That is the last (and
considered to be the least risky) of a three step process. The CJ Request
and the Classification Request were both successful.


MultiMedia 10GHz Beacon:




New volunteers, new energy, and progress. Please visit
https://github.com/phase4ground/openrotor and #openrotor on Slack.


Please reply with anything we missed in this summary, or any questions you
might have.

-Michelle W5NYV
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