[Ground-station] Document in progress, opening it up to further review

Wally Ritchie wally.ritchie at gmail.com
Tue Nov 19 12:58:11 PST 2019

Good comments.

Yes its 40 kg, 10kg per 6U
Not excessive with respect to typical geo comm satellite delivered mass
which is on the order 3000kg.

On Tue, Nov 19, 2019 at 2:32 PM Michelle Thompson via Ground-Station
<ground-station at lists.openresearch.institute> wrote:

> Here's a document and initial review input.
> Please read and reply if this is in your area of expertise or interest.
> -Michelle W5NYV
> -=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-
> Reviewer 1:
> I think this might be better as three documents. The first would be a
> master to-do list, not trying to be a comprehensive planning document but
> just a bullet list of specific tasks that have been written up. Sort of a
> “job jar”. This would be a living document, with tasks being added as they
> are written up and checked off as task teams make progress and either
> complete the task or spin off their own more detailed planning efforts. It
> would start out with just two items, with links to the other two documents:
> one for orbit concept studies and one for subsystem 3D models.
> These would all start out as short documents, and I think that’s ok.
> “There are limited launch opportunities for this but ~40kG is not
> excessive.” I don’t know what the 40 refers to, why it’s not excessive,
> with respect to what. Needs some explanation. I assume you mean a mass, in
> which case it should be kg, not kG (kiloGauss).
> Longtime space hams will be familiar with the term GTO, geostationary
> transfer orbit, which was one of the steps into the Phase 3 Molniya orbits.
> It would be good if the orbit studies document explained the relationship
> between that orbit concept and the ones under consideration here.
> -=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-
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