[Ground-station] Radiation meeting later in the week + CALL FOR CONTENT

Michelle Thompson mountain.michelle at gmail.com
Tue Jun 5 10:45:54 PDT 2018

A local ham that volunteered with me in the past on SuitSat works in the
medical device field. He has some insight into the sort of equipment we
might be able to buy, borrow, or use in order to do radiation testing
and/or an equivalency test. He's meeting with me later in the week.

He agreed that there's been a shift in technology that may work in our
favor. He has some numbers and can provide some background.

The goal is to publish a path for radiation testing for all the orbits
we're interested in.

There's a lot of work out there on modeling the environment for different
orbits, and some standards from ESA and NASA. I see updates and
methodologies that propose statistical tests. For our needs, we need to
know what we have to beat.

That is what we need to write down. What we have to beat, how we're gong to
beat it, and what resulted.

******If you are already familiar with this area and can help, then reply
and let's start the process. Your favorite standard, a chart, paragraphs?
Bring it. ********

Here's a document on radiation and circuit effects that I enjoyed:


Here's another longer work on analyzing PA and Solar Panels at GEO. It
looks really good:


-Michelle W5NYV
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