[Ground-station] Fwd: Open Source Congress: registration open

Michelle Thompson mountain.michelle at gmail.com
Tue Jun 4 09:41:43 PDT 2024

If anyone from the ORI community is interested in attending, please let me

-Michelle Thompson

---------- Forwarded message ---------
From: Nick Vidal <nick at opensource.org>
Date: Tue, Jun 4, 2024 at 9:26 AM
Subject: Open Source Congress: registration open
To: Michelle Thompson <mountain.michelle at gmail.com>
Cc: Bryant, Deb <deb.bryant at opensource.org>

Dear OSI Affiliate Organizations,

On behalf of the organizing committee we’re pleased to extend an invitation
for the second edition of the global gathering “Open Source Congress”.  As
an OSI Affiliate, your organization has already met the criteria for
participation in the event which is focused on gathering open source
foundations. You may register for this event at: www.opensourcecongress.org

The first edition of the OSC was hosted by Linux Foundation and held in
Geneva Switzerland.  You can find the full 2023 event report here:


This year the hosting organization is Open Atom Foundation and the event
will be held in Beijing August 25 - 27, 2024. We’re also attaching an
invitation letter with some of the details.

OSI is engaged in several ways this year.

   - Stefano Maffulli, along with several OSI board members, has been
   participating on the organizing calls.
   - Nick Vidal is chairing the “Open Source” AI track.
   - Deb Bryant is chairing the “Future of Open Source” track (and is
   looking forward to hearing your ideas on the topic)

We’re working now to clarify logistics to see if any form of remote
participation may be available.  We do know that proceedings from the event
will be published. We encourage you to to register at:

More info can be obtained by emailing contact at opensourcecongress.org or by
reaching out to the OSI team and we’ll do our best to get your questions

Kind regards,
Nick & Deb
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