[Ground-station] Status update on Remote Labs, LDPC, and other FPGA work

Michelle Thompson mountain.michelle at gmail.com
Thu Jan 21 13:42:27 PST 2021

ORI East: electrician out this week to repair damage to the site from the
fire in December 2020. No equipment was damaged. Remote access should be
restored the week after next.

ORI West: we're adding the Analog Devices 9371 board + Xilinx 7000 dev
board combination to the existing UltraScale dev board lineup, so that we
can better support the March Ham Expo demo goal. The major component
lacking at ORI West is the high-speed lab PC. All components are now on
order and some arrive tomorrow. Assembly, benchmarking, and shipping to ORI
West is happening as fast as possible.

Paul KB5MU will present an update about Remote Labs at Ham Expo in March.
Wally Ritchie is scheduled to present about the transponder. We'll check in
with each other this next week to see if he needs a substitute.

Anshul Makkar published an updated LDPC codebase. His work on the physical
layer framing is coming along very well. Some of us are starting on the
random data generator. It is labelled 'PRBS' in the system block diagram.
This will most likely be implemented with a linear feedback shift register

Anshul will be presenting at Ham Expo about Debris Mitigation and LDPC FPGA

There are other blocks!

Please, see https://github.com/phase4space/p4xdmt_hamexpo2021 for
documentation and scope. Thank you to Thomas Parry for the organization and
leadership of this work.

If you need or want FPGA training, then we have a budget for this. Please
get in touch to start this process.

-Michelle W5NYV
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