[Ground-station] Wally Ritchie - important update

Michelle Thompson mountain.michelle at gmail.com
Fri Jan 15 12:01:16 PST 2021

As many of you know, Wally Ritchie has been out sick. While the original
suspicion was Covid-19, the diagnosis is acute myeloid leukemia (AML).

Wally is in the last week of the first phase of chemotherapy and is
responding very well. He expects to have break in about a week, and then
goes in for a second phase of the first round. He has given me permission
to share this information with the team.

He would most appreciate the camaraderie, generosity, productivity, and
positive spirit that everyone in the project has shown, to continue. As the
Principal Investigator for the transponder, Wally is integral to our work.
Fortunately, he's communicated a path forward and achievable goals very

We look forward to his full recovery. In the meantime, let's continue the
work and achieve our goals.

-Michelle W5NYV
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