[Ground-station] Weekly standup-up invite and agenda

Michelle Thompson mountain.michelle at gmail.com
Tue Dec 14 09:40:26 PST 2021

Stand-up meeting in about 20 minutes at


We have a lot going on - mostly about infrastructure and accessibility and
getting a clean boot on an Ultrascale with the Analog Devices RFIC
involved. The blocker right now is getting past a kernel panic booting the
filesystem for the 9371 off of NFS. It's working off an SD card, but that
is just too manual of a process for remote development. We'll do it that
way if we have to, but getting lab staff out of the loop will be a superior
experience all around.

Thank you to those that have provided comments and advice so far - very
appreciated and will be followed up on.

We also have Andre Suoto presenting at Ham Expo in March (thank you!) and
opportunities a-plenty across the calendar.

-Michelle W5NYV
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