[Ground-station] "Available Work" section of the website

anshul makkar anshulmakkar at gmail.com
Thu Oct 8 09:52:48 PDT 2020

Thanks Michelle for bringing this up. That's an important point you have raised.

When I joined the team a few months back, there was a lot of
material/documentation available to ramp up and study, but what was
missing was a simple well defined task list to work on. It took some
time for me to understand the current tasks going on in the project
and to find my piece.

Having a well defined list of challenging problems adds a motivation
factor and allows the contributor to contribute in much efficient

I think, based on our group's style of working where most are
volunteering, kanban style would be more effective. Trello is leaner
than github so my vote goes is for it.

Anshul Makkar

Anshul Makkar

On Thu, Oct 1, 2020 at 9:26 PM Michelle Thompson via Ground-Station
<ground-station at lists.openresearch.institute> wrote:
> Better presenting our available work is another aspect we should work on.
> The "Getting Started" page, described in the previous email, is the essentials of becoming a member of the project.
> However, once one is a member, we need to be able to better communicate what work needs to be done. We do not do a bad job here, but we must be able to scale up in order to complete the work efficiently and well.
> We can go back to using something like the "Take This Job" google form approach (some of you may remember that).
> We will be using burn down lists in our sprints.
> We can implement a kanban style Trello or GitHub Projects board to give a snapshot of work. We have a GitHub Projects to-do list up already, but not well-populated.
> What can we do to most help distribute the work to our volunteers efficiently and well?
> -Michelle W5NYV

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