[Ground-station] September Update! + Thank yous :+)

Michelle Thompson mountain.michelle at gmail.com
Fri Sep 6 10:21:59 PDT 2019

1) Burning Man Math Camp was the scene of a lot of good work on improving
how we teach polyphase and multirate techniques. We are much further along
in our quest to be able to clearly and accurately explain what's going on
with what is the heart of our payload/Groundsat! Big thank you to fred
harris for putting such powerful tools into our hands and being
unrelentingly supportive. Burners that came to Math Camp were enthusiastic
test subjects. Highly educated in a diversity of fields, and mostly between
the ages of 30-50, the participants provided excellent feedback and pointed
out where the explanations could be improved.

2) Reaction to the proposed FPGA digital satellite communications workshop
with open source hardware and software has been enormous and overwhelmingly
in favor of it also being online. We are targeting November for kickoff.
There will be a separate email list for this effort, and we have multiple
offers of help from highly qualified FGPA and HDL experts. The goal here is
to have excellent, completely free, coursework that focuses on baseband
digital techniques of particular interest to amateur radio and the amateur
satellite service.

3) Since coming back from Burning Man, we've been working non-stop on
preparations for GNU Radio Conference. This year, the conference has a
Space Communications and Amateur Radio theme!

Find out more at https://www.gnuradio.org/grcon/grcon19/

I'm co-chair for the conference, and others in San Diego are volunteering
for it. This will consume the rest of September. I'll be back at work at
ORI/Phase 4 on 1 October.

4) Finally, thank you to the many many people that have helped,
volunteered, provided critical moral support, spread the word, asked
questions, and given us space at events. We've made remarkable progress in
2019 so far, and I'm doing my best to keep it going!

It's easy to put your back into it with a group as good as this one.

-Michelle W5NYV
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