[Ground-station] Microwave Monday - SDMG meetup

Michelle Thompson mountain.michelle at gmail.com
Mon Jun 18 08:51:09 PDT 2018

Here's an update on local microwave work.

San Diego Microwave Group is meeting tonight for our regular roundtable
meeting plus a build session. This build session, before the regular
meeting, is to build up a pile of ADF4350 synthesizer boards.

These can be wired (5 wires) and mounted (solder some brass standoffs) to
the Arduino interface board with header strips. We will also work on some
copper pipe caps that can be drilled and tapped (Kerry N6IZW providing the
tools for that - thank you).

We have a number of W1GHZ transverters that are on the way. These
synthesizers are the first step.

I'm bringing LNB on a Stick for critique and next steps. Remote and
potentially autonomous receivers for 10GHz Phase 4 downlinks are the goal.
We have already learned a lot and see plenty more places to get traction
and utility out of a very inexpensive and portable design.

If you are in or around San Diego, or know someone who is, please let them
know about the SDMG.

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