[Ground-station] Project Repository - brief explanation - tutorials

Michelle Thompson mountain.michelle at gmail.com
Tue Apr 24 07:43:18 PDT 2018

For people unfamiliar with git and GitHub, we keep all software and
documents in our GitHub account.

It's called Phase 4 Ground, and is located here:

There are several cases where the code or documentation is mirrored to this
account from another source. That's totally ok. The project repository is
kept current, and everything can be found in one place. That is exactly
what I want to continue doing going forward.

I do not want anyone to have to deal with fragmentation.

Using GitHub and collaborating on work in a modern open source style is
what we're doing. These are learned skills and may be different from how
many of us have done work in the past.

There are a lot of tutorials out there for how to use GitHub and how to
interact within an open source team. There's an excellent essay just on
writing good commit messages.

This guide is enthusiastically holistic:

The Hello World of github:

commit message writing (advice I need to take, myself):

The biggest change that open source projects have brought about, in my
experience, is that cooperation and collaboration is much more highly
valued than it used to be.

GitHub allows wisdom of crowds and very wide peer review to get serious
leverage on content. People can create things that are literally impossible
for an individual, regardless of technical skill, to accomplish.

We will be adding several more repositories for GNU Radio 'block party"
work very shortly, and there will be some major updates to the air
interface to bring it up to date.

I'm not an expert with git or GitHub. There are people on this project that
have more experience with it than I do, and I greatly value the advice,
suggestions, and assistance.

My job is to make the work as enjoyable and accessible as possible, and
represent it to all communities that might value it. If there's something
we can do better, especially with GitHub, then let me know.

-Michelle W5NYV
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